The health and safety of our school community is our main priority. As with the rest of the country we
adapted and changed as the pandemic evolved. In the early days and through the more difficult times we were at the forefront of implementing
the most sophisticated protocols possible. Much has changed since then but we have kept the elements that we consider best
practices in controlling the spread of all illnesses. Here are some specifics on what we are doing and will continue to do:
- New HEPA air filtration systems in both schools capable of 5 air
exchanges per hour
- Daily professional cleaning and sanitation.
- Installation of touch-free hand soap and hand sanitizer dispensers
- Enhanced hand-washing protocol for all team members and students
- Expanded sick days and implementation of company sponsored health benefits to ensure teachers are comfortable staying home and can seek medical care should they have any symptoms
- Expanded overall staffing levels to eliminate need for outside substitutes to cover teacher absences
- 100% of staff fully vaccinated and a requirement for all new employees